339 research outputs found

    V-Myb Avian Myel oblast Viral Oncogene Homolog Like 1 (MYBL1) Knockdown and its Role in a Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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    Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is defined as negative for three genes, estrogen receptor (ESR), progesterone receptor (PR) and Human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2-neu) genes. Previous data show the V-Myb Avian Myel oblast Viral Oncogene Homolog Like 1 (MYBL1) gene is over-expressed in Triple negative breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB231). MYBL1 belongs to the MYB family of genes which are transcription factors and proto-oncogenes which are associated with cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, and differentiation, all of which are key events associated with cancers. It could be that MYBL1 contributes to these same processes in TNBC. Instead of studying MYBL1’s contribution to several of these processes, we were mainly concerned with identifying genes that were either directly or indirectly affected by down-regulation of MYBL1 gene. Utilizing a gene silencing approach helps to identify genes that cooperate with MYBL1 in the signaling processes in cancer. Although the focus of our laboratory is TNBC, there are two parts to this current study, one that examines MYBL1 in luminal cancers cell line (MCF7) and one that examines MYBL1 in TNBC, designated Part 1 and Part 2, respectively. For Part 1, we performed analyses of MCF7 (Luminal breast cancer cell line) receptor positive cells where estrogen receptor gene was silenced; and another MCF7 preparation where cMYB gene was silenced. Both datasets were obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO). These datasets were chosen because even though they were neither TNBC or directly involved MYBL1 as the primary target, comparative analyses of both datasets showed MYBL1 knock-down (KD). We reasoned that even under these conditions, genes either directly or indirectly associated with MYBL1 might be identified. For Part 2 of this study, short hairpin RNA (shRNA) lentiviral transduction was used to down-regulate MYBL1 in MDA MB231 TNBC cells. A substantial number of reliable differentially expressed genes were identified here. Overall, genes recognized as associated with MYBL1 in the MCF7 luminal preparations (Part 1) were drastically different from genes identified as associated with MYBL1 in the TNBC KD study (Part 2). In both datasets, we identify novel genes that appear to be coordinately expressed with MYBL1 in breast cancers. This study led to identification of candidate genes that might be important towards the study of characterizing MYBL1 expression in TNBC. Two of these genes, transcription factor 19 (TCF19) and Kinesin-like protein (kinesin family member 18B) (KIF18B) have been experimentally validated. MYBL1 is a strong candidate gene to study for its contribution to the development of TNBC. Continued analyses of these genes and their relationship to MYBL1 should lead to a better understanding of signaling processes in breast cancers

    Generalized Dynamic Inversion Based Aircraft LateraL Control

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    This paper illustrates how the Generalized Dynamic inversion (GDI) is used to control aircraft lateral motion. To implement the GDI control law, the yaw channel constraint dynamics are first constructed and then inverted using Moore-Penrose Generalized Inverse (MPGI). Consequently, the auxiliary component of this control law is affine in a null control vector, which is designed to guarantee asymptotic aircraft stability. Asignificant benefit of GDI  control law is the additional design flexibility afforded by its two independent control actions. Extensive simulations have been conducted to prove the efficacy of the proposed method

    Crude extract of Ficus deltoidea Jack (FD) as a natural biological therapy

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    Aim: This study shows how important it is to coordinate research on Ficus deltoidea Jack (FD) so that results from different sources can be compared directly and a scientific conclusion can be made. Methods: The author looked for research papers on Ficus (F.) deltoidea on Google Scholar, Science Direct, Google.com, Wiley, PubMed, Hindawi, Springer, and other related databases. This analysis excludes data that cannot be trusted, thesis papers, and review articles about F. deltoidea. Results: In traditional medicine, the plant’s leaves and syconia are used to cure a wide variety of ailments, including itchiness, diarrhoea, cancer, sexual dysfunction, age-related issues, malaria, cancer, anxiety, pain, constipation, fever, diabetes, tooth pain, and tooth decay. In vitro and in vivo studies showed the effectiveness of the leaves against cancer cell lines. Conclusions: Based on the existing research on the health benefits of FD, it is critical to focus on its more active constituents and their identification, determination, further development, and, most importantly, standardization of the leaves for the management and treatment of cancer and its related cases. More research is needed before it can be considered a promising herbal source of novel medication candidates for treating various disorders

    Multivariate discrimination of selected taxa of the Fabaceae family

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    Abdulrahman MD. 2022. Multivariate discrimination of selected taxa of the Fabaceae family. Nusantara Bioscience 15: 227-232. Nigeria is among the most interesting and diversified countries globally regarding tropical vegetation and medicinal plants. The taxonomy of the Fabaceae family is not entirely clear, to organize species into manageable groups that are helpful for taxonomical, conservational, or pharmacognostic study. This study aimed to discriminate the leaves of Dialium guineense Willd., Detarium microcarpum Guill. & Perr, Tamarindus indica L, Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile, Abrus precatorius L., Senna occidentalis (L.) Link, Erythrina senegalensis DC. and Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. based on the mineral elements contents coupled with multivariate analysis. Three samples of each wild-growing species were collected. Unsupervised multivariate analysis using SIMCA-P (V.14.1, Umetrics Sweden) was employed. Five model groups were formed based on their mineral element contents. The species were fully discriminated along the PC1, accounting for 39.3% of the variation. Evidence from this study showed that a combination of mineral element analysis and chemometrics yielded a powerful classification method. Taxonomic identification of plants through biological research combined with chemometrics is an excellent method for preventing the adulteration or consumption of plants with excessive contents or harmful ingredients. However, a mix of molecular and developmental datasets is still necessary to explicitly examine their connections

    Assessment of the Financial Sustainability of External Debt in Iraq: an Econometric Analysis

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    Purpose:  This paper aims to study the possibility of external debt achieving financial sustainability by learning the most important economic variables affected by external debt and possible scenarios to achieve financial sustainability.   Theoretical framework:  The sustainability of external debt is one of the critical issues in economies, especially emerging ones. Establishing structural projects, infrastructure projects, and economic investment is one of the essential factors in achieving financial sustainability. However, Iraq has resorted to external borrowing to confront the economic, political, and security crises represented by the drop in global oil prices.   Design/methodology/approach:  The research seeks to explore developments related to Iraq's foreign debt and analyze developments related to financial sustainability in the Iraqi economy. To achieve the research goal, the paper uses an analytical approach by analyzing external debt and economic variables for the period 2004-2021 and interpreting indicators of external debt and financial sustainability in Iraq for the period 2004-2021 using the econometric model.   Findings:  The results show that the external debt is not optimally exploited and directed towards consumer spending and imported goods. A few of them are towards projects with low income, which led to the lack of real financial sustainability in the Iraqi economy. Furthermore, the increase in reliance on public borrowing to finance the budget deficit led to a rise in the internal debt, especially in 2020, which means an increase in financial obligations on the state not only abroad but also internally, which made the revenue structure burdened with financial commitments internally and externally, as well as not directing domestic savings to contribute In building the economy and working on its consumption, which prevented the achievement of financial sustainability.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  This paper contributes to the search for an alternative standard model capable of effectively explaining the financial sustainability of the external debt in Iraq.   Originality/value:  This is one of the first papers that examine the possibility of achieving the financial sustainability of external debt in Iraq using the econometric approach

    Insulin, estradiol levels and body mass index in pre- and post-menopausal women with breast cancer

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    AbstractBreast cancer is the most common cancer among women where it is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between insulin, estradiol levels and body mass index (BMI) as risk factors for breast cancer. Methods: 80 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer stage I–III invasive breast cancer, were selected randomly and divided in two groups: 40 pre-menopausal aged 26–46 years and 40 post-menopausal aged 52–90 years. Radioimmunoassay used for serum insulin levels measurement, ELISA was used for estradiol levels and BMI calculated by weight (kg)/height (m2). Results: Insulin levels in premenopausal (16.6 ± 10.5) and postmenopausal (17.9 ± 8.8); breast cancer patients showed increasing pattern from the normal levels (4.0–16.0 μIU/ml). While, the levels of estradiol in premenopausal (233 ± 173) and postmenopausal, (549 ± 468); estradiol level in postmenopausal was higher than normal level (50–300 ng/ml), its level showed significantly increase in postmenopausal breast cancer (P.Value = 0.001). Conclusion: Insulin levels increased in pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer patients while estradiol levels do not showed association with premenopausal breast cancer. High BMI, high insulin and estradiol levels in post-menopausal women may be considered as risk factors for breast cancer

    Precision Indoor Three-Dimensional Visible Light Positioning Using Receiver Diversity and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network

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    In recent times, several applications requiring highly accurate indoor positioning systems have been developed. Since the global positioning system is unavailable/less accurate in the indoor environment, alternative techniques such as visible light positioning (VLP) are considered. The VLP system benefits from the wide availability of illumination infrastructure, energy efficiency and the absence of electromagnetic interference. However, there is a limited number of studies on three dimensional (3D) VLP and the effect of multipath propagation on the accuracy of the 3D VLP. This study proposes a supervised artificial neural network to provide accurate 3D VLP whilst considering multipath propagation using receiver diversity. The results show that the proposed system can accurately estimate the 3D position with an average root mean square (RMS) error of 0.0198 and 0.021 m for line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS link, respectively. For 2D localisation, the average RMS errors are0.0103 and 0.0133 m, respectively